Friday, January 10, 2014

Fine Art Friday pick: "Abandoned Home"

This photo is part of my Southwest Flood Relief series, and is also showcased in my Urban Exploration gallery.  It was taken in the flooded town of Bartlett, IA, in 2011.  The teeny town had been completely evacuated when the levies of the Missouri River had been compromised, and the water began to ravage the community.  I actually crossed two police barricades which were blocking the road into town, and then had to go the rest of the way on foot.  I toured as much of the town as I could, as some of the streets were still completely water-covered...the water was even moving, in some spots- indicating an active current was still running through it.  This house featured in the photo, was the only house that had absolutely no water damage.  Although its door was left wide open, a very polite note tacked to the front of the house read "Please do not go inside house."  There wasn't another soul in town besides me, but I abode the request, and took a photo of the remaining 2 pieces of furniture from outside, through a window.  This picture is still very moving to me, because these people had to grab what they could, and abandon their homes.  I don't know where the owners are now, but I hope they were able to make a fresh start, and are happy.  This print is on sale for the weekend at -use code FRIDAY when checking out and take 10% off.

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